Holiday Prep Training - Plan Your Holiday Marketing Content Calendar
In this live training, we'll work together to strategically map out & plan your marketing content calendar for the holiday sales season.
What will we cover?
No flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to your content marketing this year. I’ll walk you through how to develop an intentional content marketing plan, plot it out on a calendar, and batch schedule as much as possible in advance.
Most importantly, we’ll brainstorm some ways to get more eyeballs on your products going into the holiday sales season - we all know that traffic is king!
What will we accomplish?
You’ll leave with a well-thought-out content calendar mapped out for the weeks before and after Black Friday/Cyber Monday until the end of your holiday sales season. Your content calendar will include everything you need to build buzz, promote your products, and drive traffic. You’ll also leave with a feeling of PEACE that you have an actual plan this year!
When will this be?
This training is happening live inside the Holiday Sales Squeeze community on November 7th at 1pm EST. If you're enrolled in the Holiday Sales Squeeze program, you can attend live and have replay access. If you purchase this training as a standalone session, you won't have live access but you'll have lifetime access to the recording.
Will I have lifetime access?
Yes, with the purchase of this workshop you will have lifetime access to the replay on your account.

🎁 This goodie plus tons more are included in the holiday sales squeeze.
Bundle 10+ resources, live trainings and templates valued at $397 together with the Holiday Sales Squeeze and get access to the private pop-up group too!
Why get just this when you can save over $100 for the whole kit & caboodle? You'll also get season-long access to our pop-up support group.
It's been a tough year.
join us for the holiday sales squeeze
Make the MOST out of the holiday season with this pop-up group jam-packed with valuable trainings, tactics & strategies for how to make Q4 the most profitable quarter yet for your shop.